Canvas prints are so popular and they look great. But the cost of them is a little spending. I wanted to add a canvas print with my Fun Stuff Crafts logo to my craft room. When I started looking at my options the cost was about $70.00. So I thought I could do a hack and make a poster look like a canvas print!

If you want to save money or practice your Do It Yourself crafting skills by making your own, you’re in luck. This easy DIY Hack just needs a few simple materials and a little time. The biggest expense to this project is having the poster printed! I uploaded mine to Wal-Mart photo and decided on a 20″x30″ poster. There are lots of options to have a posted printed or maybe you have a favorite poster already. So if you have a poster ready let’s turn it into a canvas print look a like!
Check out the video tutorial below or follow the step by step instructions below! You choose how you want to learn to make a poster looks like a canvas print!
*Disclaimer: Links above are affiliate links. By clicking on these links I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. Some products may have been provided to me by vendors, however, all opinions and reviews are strictly my own.
Step #1 Cut Wood for Canvas Print
Depending on the size of your poster will determine the cuts of your boards. My poster is 20″x30″ . So I cut two pieces of wood 30″ and two pieces 17″. The reason the sides pieces are 17″ and not 20″ is because the wood I am using is 1 1/2″ in width.

Step #2 Attach Canvas
The next step is to layout the frame of the canvas and attached the frame together. I like to use both wood glue and a staple gun to attached my frame together.

Step #3 Sand Frame for Canvas Print
Once the wood glue is dry and you can pick up the frame you want to sand the edges. I pay closes attention to the corners and where the wood meets each other. You want the sides to be nice and smooth.

Step #4 Paint Frame for Canvas Print
Once you have smooth sides it is time to paint the edges. You only need to paint the edges because only the edges will show once we add the poster.

Step #5 Apply Double Sided Tape
When the paint is dry it is time to apply the double sided tape. I really like to use scoring tape and the brand that I have used on my journals is Sookwang. It has a strong bond.

You want to make sure that you apply the tape close to the edges on the frame. This will help ensure that the poster looks like it is part of the frame.
Step #6 Place Poster on Canvas
Now it is time to carefully lay the poster on the canvas. You want to do this very slowly and make sure that the poster edges meet the edges of the frame.

Once you have the posted in place you are done! You now have a posted that looks like a canvas print! What do you think? I love it!

If this project inspired you, then check out some of my other projects for more inspiration!
Don’t forget to check out my Fun Stuff Craft Store Front on Amazon! You will find all my favorite crafting and sewing tools and supplies!
*Disclaimer: Links above are affiliate links. By clicking on these links I may earn a small commission at no cost to you. Some products may have been provided to me by vendors. However, all opinions and reviews are strictly my own.
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