Let’s make a wood block present! This week I have a fun and easy project using a scrap piece of wood to make a Christmas gift wrapped for display!

I am getting ready for our annual Christmas Town event. I will be hosting some crafting sessions. So I have been busy at work coming up with this year’s projects. I thought these cute wooden presents would be fun and easy to make.
So I ask you are ready for the Holiday season? Maybe this week’s project will give you a little Christmas Inspiration.
I love projects that I can use supplies that I find around the house or in our shed. For this project, it is time to go check out your wood scraps. There is no perfect size for this project. I used a 4×4 piece of wood that I cut down to about 5 inches. But you can use whatever you have on hand. Then we will add a few things, and together we will make these cute rustic wooden presents.
- Wood Block
- White Acrylic Paint
- Decorative Napkin or
- Wrapping Paper
- Mod Podge
- 2 Foam Paint Brushes
- Ribbon
- Embellishments
- Glue Gun
- Glue Sticks
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Check out the video tutorial below or follow the step-by-step instructions below! You choose how you want to learn to do this project!
Step #1 Prep Wood
First, I cut my 4×4 piece of wood to a 5-inch length and then sanded the edges.

Step #2 Paint
I like to use a dry brush effect when I paint the block. I like the weathered look. But you can paint it however you would like. I would encourage you to use a light color of paint.

Step #3 Size-Up Napkin
- I like to add a decorative napkin to my presents, but you can also use gift wrapping paper. For the napkin, you will want to separate the napkin. Most napkins are at least 2-ply. You only want the top layer of the napkin with the design on it for this project. I like to keep the other layers for clean-up!

If you are using a napkin, I like to lay it on your wood block to determine the size that I need. I have found a helpful tool it water and a Q-tip. First, lay the napkin on the block. Then dip your q-tip in the water, and trace around the edge of the napkin. This method will give you the ability to tear the napkin to the perfect size easily.

Step #4 Add Mod Podge
Apply Mod Podge to the front of the wood block and then carefully lay the napkin piece over the Mod Podge.

Then add a layer of Mod Podge over top of the napkin to give it a protective sealed finish and let dry.

Hint: To speed up the drying process, I put my woodblock in the oven at 250 degrees for 5 minutes.
Step #5 Add Embellishments
Once dry, the fun starts. Let’s add to the present. I liked to add a ribbon bow and some greener go on top of my present. Just look around your stash to see what you can add to your present.

I love these little wooden presents. They add a rustic and cheerful touch to any Christmas decor.

I am having so much fun getting started on my Christmas holiday craft projects. Make sure to check back next week for another fun project!
If this project inspired you, then check out some of my other projects for more inspiration!
Don’t forget to check out my Fun Stuff Crafts Amazon Storefront!
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