Time to pack up your jewelry. You’re going on a trip! I’ve got just the thing for those precious pieces – my DIY Jewelry Pouch.

I’m excited to show you my latest project, a DIY Jewelry Pouch with a free pattern! This quick and easy sew is perfect for storing all your favorite jewelry when you travel. Plus, it’s small enough to tuck into your purse or carry-on bag, so you can always have your jewelry with you.

Jewelry Pouch Supplies
- Cotton Fabric
- Outdoor Fabric
- Fusible Foam Stabilizer
- Thread
- Sewing machine
- Scissors
- Grommet or Eyelet
- Iron
- Clips
- Clover 2 Point Turner
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Excited to get started on this project? Check out the video tutorial below or follow the step-by-step instructions! You choose how you want to learn to do this project! The video tutorial is excellent for those who want to see the project come together, and the step-by-step instructions are perfect for those who want a more detailed look at each component. Either way, you’ll be able to create this project with ease! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
Step #1 Jewelry Pouch Pattern
The first step to creating this adorable jewelry pouch is to make a pattern. You’ll need a 14-inch circle, an 11-inch circle, and a 4-inch circle. I like making 1/4 of each Circle for the pattern so I can use it repeatedly.

I usually use cardstock for my pattern pieces, so they’re sturdy and will last longer. Once your pattern pieces are cut out, you’re ready to move on to the next step!
Step #2 Cutting Pattern Pieces
Let’s get started cutting out the pieces for our jewelry pouch. You will need two 14-inch circles cut from outdoor fabric and cotton fabric. For the 11-inch circles, cut two from cotton fabric. Finally, for the 4-inch Circle, cut one from fusible fleece. Once you have all your pieces cut out, you’re ready to start sewing!

Step #3 Add Grommet
Grommets are a great way to add a decorative touch to any project and are also very practical. They can be used to create a drawstring closure or to add strength to a fabric edge. Installing grommets is not as difficult as it may seem, and with a bit of practice, you’ll be able to do it like a pro.

To start, you’ll need to determine the placement of the grommets. Fold the fabric in half and press it, then measure 1 inch on the center line and mark with a pen. This is where you will add each grommet. Once you have the placement marks, it’s time to install the grommets. If you’re using a grommet kit, follow the instructions that come with it. If you’re not using a kit, you’ll need to use a special tool to punch holes in the fabric for the grommets. Once you’ve made the holes, it’s time to set the grommet.
Place the anvil on a piece of scrap wood, and position the fabric with the marked spot in the center of the anvil. Carefully place the hole punch over that (as noted, here’s the same tool as the hole-setter) and hit it with a hammer. You should now have a hole in your fabric. Next, insert a grommet piece from the right/front side into the hole. The back side will look like this, with the grommet’ stem’ peeking out: Now place the washer over the grommet from the back side. Make sure the washer is in place, then put the fabric’s front (grommet side) on the anvil. Once everything is lined up, take your grommet setting tool and place it onto the washer. Please give it a few pounds with a hammer, moderately. And that’s it! You’ve now installed a grommet in your fabric.
Step #4 Assemble 14 inch Circle
Grab the two 14-inch circles of fabric. Place the circles’ right sides together and stitch around the edge. Clip around the Circle, being careful not to cut the stitching. Then, cut a 3-inch slit in the cotton (inside) fabric. Turn the Circle right side out through the slit. Then push the edges with your fingers or a tool like a clover edge turner and press the circle flat. Now it’s time to move on to the next step!

Step #5 Finish 14-inch Circle
To topstitch the 14-inch Circle, use a 1/4-inch and 1 1/2-inch topstitch. This will create the channel for the drawstring. Begin by topstitching at the 1/4-inch mark. Then, topstitch at the 1 1/2-inch spot. Continue topstitching around the entire Circle. When you reach the end, topstitch again at the 1/4 inch mark and trim the excess thread. Finally, topstitch at the 1 1/2-inch spot and knot the thread to secure it in place. Your channel for the drawstring is now complete!

Step #6 Assemble the 11-inch Circle
Grab the two 11-inch circles of fabric. Place the circles’ right sides together and stitch around the edge. Clip around the Circle, being careful not to cut the stitching. Then, cut a 3-inch slit in the cotton (inside) fabric. Turn the Circle right side out through the slit. Then push the edges with your fingers or a tool like a clover edge turner and press the circle flat. Now it’s time to move on to the next step!
Step #7 Finish the 11-inch Circle
To topstitch, the 11-inch Circle, begin the topstitch 1/4 inch from the edge and stitch around the Circle.
Step #8 Insert Bottom
It’s time to add the bottom! Slip the fusible fleece inside the slit area of the 14-inch Circle and center. Press to adhere the fleece to the 14-inch Circle. This will give your pouch extra stability and help it keep its shape.

Step #9 Assemble Jewelry Pouch
Lay the 14-inch circle cotton side fabric up. Place the 11-inch Circle on top of the 14-inch Circle. Make sure to center the 11-inch Circle and pin it in place.

To secure the circles and create the pockets for our pouch, you will first sew a seam from one side to the other side of the 11-inch Circle in the middle. Then turn and sew another seam creating a cross, then sew two more seams at a diagonal. You should have 4 seams, creating 8 pockets in the pouch. Having pockets will make it easier to grab whatever you need without searching through everything. Plus, it will help keep everything organized so you can quickly and easily find what you’re looking for quickly and easily.
Step #10 Add Drawstring to the Jewelry Pouch
It’s time to add the drawstring! Measure two pieces of ribbon 33 inches. Attach a safety pin through one end of the ribbon and feed it through one of the grommet openings outside the pouch. Continue feeding the ribbon through until the same opening is reached once more. Match up the ends of the cord and tie a double knot. Repeat the same process with the other grommet. Pull up the drawstring to close the bag. There you have a beautiful jewelry pouch that is great to use any day, but it also makes the best travel pouch for all your jewelry.

Making a jewelry pouch is an easy and fun way to make something beautiful and useful. With the help of this tutorial, you can create a unique pouch that is perfect for storing all your jewelry in one place. It’s great for travel or simply keeping things organized at home. Give it a try! You won’t regret it!

If this project inspired you, check out my other projects for more inspiration!
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